Microalgae interpretation center

The microalgae interpretation center is an information space dedicated to microalgae. It was created by Algicel and its available to all those who want to visit. The visitor, in addition to getting to know microalgae, can also carry out a laboratory experiment and visit the technological process developed by our company for the cultivation of Haematococcus Pluvialis.
Microalgae occur in all ecosystems, not just aquatic, but also terrestrial, representing a wide variety of species.
The number of microalgae in nature is still unknown. It’s generally accepted that there are thousands of species, many of them already characterized but still many to be identified.
They are prokaryotic or eukaryotic photosynthetic microorganisms that can live and grow quickly in a wide range of environmental conditions due to their simple unicellular or multicellular structure.
Being ubiquitous organisms, they have adapted to extreme habitats over millions of years of evolution. This vast variability makes microalgae one of the most promising raw materials for the sustainable supply of food and non-food products.
They use photosynthesis to convert solar energy into chemical energy, completing the entire growth cycle every few hours / days.
The first use of microalgae by humans dates back to 2000 years. It was the Chinese who used Nostoc to survive during a famine. However, microalgae biotechnology did not begin to develop until the middle of the last century.